Myanmar Yi Jin Steel Stucture Co., Ltd

Andonia Footwear Co., Ltd

The project is under construction, with a total area of about 120000 square meters. The construction area of phase is about 85000 square meters. It is a three story steel frame plant, which features a large amount of steel. The construction area of phase II is about 35000 square meters.

Hi Li Thar

The planned construction area is about 45650 m2, of which the completed construction area of phase I is about 34000 m2, including office building, workshop I, Workshop II, warehouse, independent plant and supporting dormitory building, generator room, powser distribution room and other comprehensive buildings. The total building are completed in phase II si about 9000 m2.


The construction scale of phase is 11661 m2, including jade market, restaurant, office building, jade processing plant, staff dormitory, equipment room and six combined buildings. Phase II includes indoor and outdoor fine decoration, water and electricity, fire protection, air conditioning and surrounding municipal works.

Lashio Corn Flake Feed Factory

The construction area of the project is 38467 m2, including 32 meter high finished product warehouse, tablet pressing workshop, silo, raw material warehouse, boiler room, hay shed, canteen, dormitory building, etc.

New Hope Mandalay Co., Ltd

The building area is 14365 m2, including 6 storey of 40.5M high main workshop, raw material warehouse, finished product warehouse, comprehensive building, dormitory building, etc


The project is a shoe processing plant, with a total planned construction area of about 223000 m2, which will be constructed by stages. The completed construction of phase I covers an area of about 72000 m2, including a building area of about 4000 m2; The completed construction of phase II covers an area of about 45000 m2, including a building area of about 20000 m2; Later planning.

Top Galaxy Co., Ltd

This project is a large garment factory, our company undertakes the project 6 # plant, 8 # plant, 10 # plant and boiler room and other steel structure projects, construction area of 14368 square meters.